Give Us A Call
At First Lady Trash Removal we specialize in Clean Outs, Home Repair, and Trash Removal jobs around the Northwest Baltimore, MD area. If you have a project that’s too much to handle, First Lady Trash Removal has you covered!
Locations Include:
- Arlington
- Ashburton
- Burleigh-Leighton
- Callaway-Garrison
- Central Forest Park
- Central Park Heights
- Cheswolde
- Cross Country
- Dolfield
- Dorchester
- East Arlington
- Fallstaff
- Forest Park/Howard Area
- Gwynn Oak
- Glen
- Grove Park
- Hanlon Park – Longwood
- Howard Park
- Langston Hughes
- Liberty Square
- Lucille Park
- Northwest Community Action
- Park Circle
- Park Heights
- Pimlico
- Purnell
- Reisterstown Station
- Towanda-Grantley
- West Hill Square
- West Forest Park
- Windsor Mills
- Woodmoor
Our trash removals start at $65 – No job is too big or too small!